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State-of-the-art fiber optic cables in your property all the way to the apartment with high-performance Internet as well as television and telephony? Then contact us now.
Below you will find a small selection of our projects described in more detail.
The Ludwig Hoffmann Quartier looks back on an eventful history. First a military hospital, then Berlin's largest children's hospital and now a city quarter. Yet the location has always been important for Buch - once Europe's largest hospital site and now once again a renowned science and research center.
Elaborate renovation
The access work was as complex as the entire project. Considerable construction work was required to bring the entire infrastructure, including water pipes, telephone, heating and TV connections, up to the latest standards. "But it was worth it," says Andreas Dahlke, "because we created a solid foundation for the entire project in the long term. This was an investment in the future and an important prerequisite for ensuring a permanently high quality of living and life. Above all, the close cooperation with investors such as Detlev Maruhn, Dirk Germandi, CWG and Brenta Real made this development possible."
“Bahnstadt Heidelberg” nennt sich ein 116 Hektar großer Stadtteil (größer als die heutige Heidelberger Altstadt), der als Mischung von Wohnung, Wissenschaft, Gewerbe und kulturellen Gebäuden komplett geplant und errichtet wurden. Die Bahnstadt Heidelberg zählt zu den größten Passivhaussiedlungen weltweit. Aber hier wurden nicht nur wegweisende Energiekonzepte umgesetzt, sondern auch ein zukunftsfähiges Daten- und Kommunikationssystem verwirklicht.
D.T.Net Service hat die gesamte Bahnstadt Heidelberg mit modernster Netzwerktechnik ausgestattet.
State-of-the-art fiber optic cables in your property all the way to the apartment with high-performance Internet as well as television and telephony? Then contact us now.